Monday, 15 June 2015

Algeria Energy

In this portion of the assignment you are going to research the type of energy currently used in your country. You will likely find that there are multiple types used (and you can mention this) but please try to focus on the primary type used. Explain how this is used, the cost, the impact, etc. It may be one of the three that you researched yesterday or may not be….It doesn't matter.

Algeria Energy Currently
In 2012, Algeria produced a total amount of 143,764 ktoe of energy. The main energy sources are crude oil (49.5%) and natural gas (50.4%).In comparison, the numbers concerning the renewable energies are much smaller and close to zero. Other energy sources such as coal or nuclear power are not used. As large shares of the produces energy are exported, the primary energy supply in 2012 was 46,325 ktoe.
Algeria's total final consumption has been steadily increasing in recent years. While in 2010 the energy consumption added up to around 31,500 ktoe, in 2013 it had increased to 38,543 ktoe,which means that the country has seen an increase of 22% in just three years.
Taking a closer look at various sectors, the sector is the one which consumes the most energy (43%), followed by the transport sector (36%) and the industry sector (21%).
Table 1: Final energy consumption in Algeria in 2012 and 2013 by sector (ktoe)
Sector 2012 2013 Change in %
Industry 7,939 8,229 +3.7
Transport 13,371 13,889 +3.9
Residential 15,068 16,425 +9.0
Total 36,377 38,543 +6.0

Algeria is a net export all their natural gas and oil production.
Althought there is a high potential for the use of solor energy in Algeria there are hardly any solor

Algeria Use
Natural gas

All together the Production cost around $14.3764
 Algeria's consumption is high, partly because of consumption and losses in the energy sector. Electricity consumption per capita reaches 1 300 k.
Estimates that the cost of the implicit subsidies on oil products and natural gas, is around to $22.2 billion

Algeria is the leading natural gas producer in Africa,the second -largest natural gas supplier to Europe,and is among the top three oil producers in Africa.Algeria is estimated to hold the third largest amount of shale gas resources in the world.

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