Monday, 15 June 2015

Algeria Energy

In this portion of the assignment you are going to research the type of energy currently used in your country. You will likely find that there are multiple types used (and you can mention this) but please try to focus on the primary type used. Explain how this is used, the cost, the impact, etc. It may be one of the three that you researched yesterday or may not be….It doesn't matter.

Algeria Energy Currently
In 2012, Algeria produced a total amount of 143,764 ktoe of energy. The main energy sources are crude oil (49.5%) and natural gas (50.4%).In comparison, the numbers concerning the renewable energies are much smaller and close to zero. Other energy sources such as coal or nuclear power are not used. As large shares of the produces energy are exported, the primary energy supply in 2012 was 46,325 ktoe.
Algeria's total final consumption has been steadily increasing in recent years. While in 2010 the energy consumption added up to around 31,500 ktoe, in 2013 it had increased to 38,543 ktoe,which means that the country has seen an increase of 22% in just three years.
Taking a closer look at various sectors, the sector is the one which consumes the most energy (43%), followed by the transport sector (36%) and the industry sector (21%).
Table 1: Final energy consumption in Algeria in 2012 and 2013 by sector (ktoe)
Sector 2012 2013 Change in %
Industry 7,939 8,229 +3.7
Transport 13,371 13,889 +3.9
Residential 15,068 16,425 +9.0
Total 36,377 38,543 +6.0

Algeria is a net export all their natural gas and oil production.
Althought there is a high potential for the use of solor energy in Algeria there are hardly any solor

Algeria Use
Natural gas

All together the Production cost around $14.3764
 Algeria's consumption is high, partly because of consumption and losses in the energy sector. Electricity consumption per capita reaches 1 300 k.
Estimates that the cost of the implicit subsidies on oil products and natural gas, is around to $22.2 billion

Algeria is the leading natural gas producer in Africa,the second -largest natural gas supplier to Europe,and is among the top three oil producers in Africa.Algeria is estimated to hold the third largest amount of shale gas resources in the world.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Impact of Climate Change

Using SPECIFIC examples from your country, list the impacts that Climate Change will/ is having on it. You should organize your information based on the impact on the 4 spheres of the Environments. You must
include AT least 4 pictures on your assignment. 1 mark will be given for every example up to a total of 30.

Algeria Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is having an ever greater impact on Algeria. This is particularly true of the northern part of the country. The average temperature and the number of extreme weather events such as droughts, heavy rainfall and storms are rising. Compounded by highly variable rainfall and a rise in
the sea level. There is a greater risks of loss of areas used for human settlement and agriculture.

Lithosphere-  Droughts are more common and longer.

Hydrosphere- The decrease of water resources declining agricultural production areas and industries are concentrated along a narrow strip of the northern coastline.

Biosphere- Rainfall is fairly abundant along the coastal part of the tell, ranging from forty to sixty-seven centimeters annually, the amount of precipitation increasing from west to east.

Atmosphere-Most of the population and the major agricultural production areas and industries are concentrated along a narrow strip of the northern coastline.

Northern Algeria is in the temperate zone and its a mild Mediterranean climate. It lies within approximately the same latitudes as southern California and has somewhat similar climate conditions. Its broken topography, however, provides sharp local contrasts in both prevailing temperatures and incidence of rainfall. Year to year variations in climatic conditions are also common.

Temperatures in summer average between 21-24 C and in winter it drops to 10-12 C. Winters are not cold, but the humidity is high and houses are seldom adequately heated. In eastern Algeria the average temperatures are somewhat lower and on the steppes of the high plateaus winter temperatures hover only a few degrees above freezing.

In Algeria Sahara lies across the Tropic of Cancer in the torrid zone, but even in winter, midday desert temperatures can be very hot. And after sunset the dry air permit rapid loss of heat and the nights are cool to chilly which cause enormous daily ranges in temperature.Precipitation is heaviest in the northern part of eastern Algeria, where it reaches as much as 100 centimeters in some years. Farther inland the rainfall is less plentiful. Prevailing winds that are easterly and north-easterly in summer change to westerly and northerly in winter and carry with them a general increase in precipitation from September to December, a decrease in the late winter and spring months, and a near absence of rainfall during the summer months.

Aquaculture cmot

1) Define Aquaculture (1 mark)
2) Look at the Social (on people), environmental, and economic pros and cons of aquaculture. For each of the three you should list 3 pros and 3 cons. (18 marks)
3) Write a short paragraph (7-10 sentences) explaining your point of view on aquaculture. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Why. Use examples from your pros and cons in #2. (6 marks)

1.) Aquaculture-Also known as Aquafarming is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish crustaceans,mollusces and aquatic plants.

2)Alot of Fisherimen have to support Aquaculture and harvast many fish and farm any aquatic organisms and many the fish watse can cause decrease dissolved oxygen levels in the water column,putting further pressure on wild animals.But also has a impact on wild fish. Aquaculture is known as Aqua farming that evolve fishes  cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish
3 pros - better welfare for the people          3 cons- fish oil
                                                                                 - exploiting wild fisheris
better welfare for the animals                                    -impact on wild fish
  • Freedom from hunger & thirst                            - fish waste
  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Freedom from pain, disease, or injury
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour
  • Freedom from fear and distress
 Stocked environment

3.) Aquaculture is an especially important economic activity but for my opinon Aquaculture can be a bad thing because of the environmentally damaging than exploiting wild fisheries on a local area basis. Local concerns include waste handling side effects of antibiotics, competition between farmed and wild animals,and using other fish to feed more marketable carnivorous fish.It also cause fish oils and the cause a huge impact on wild fish and leads to a high demand for wild forage fish. It also cause coastal ecosystems and Genetic modification.And the only good thing about Aquaculture is that its improve welfare and global wild fisheries. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Hurricane/Tornado Algeria cmot

1) Find a hurricane/tornado that occurred in your country
2) Describe the storm in terms of category, when it occurred, wind speed, etc.
3) Describe the social (people), economic (money), physical (impact on the environment/nature) of your storm using as many examples as possible.

1a) December 19th 1930 Hurricane

2a) A fierce hurricane drenched Algeria on December 19th 1930.The wind speed was 111-129 mph
96-112 kt 178-208 km/h and cause dry desert and a lot of heavy rain.

3a) The people of Algeria had heavy rain for 30 years and swollen river flooded portions of the department of Algeria. Many ships were damage and affected particularly with damage estimated tug. an old government yacht and at around million . Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes.

Air wind and type of winds algeria

Research the following for your country:
1) Dominant Air mass that impacts your country. think about the different seasons.
2) The Global wind that mainly impacts your country
3) The type of rain most commonly found in your country. Be sure to explain why that is a common rain. Give specific examples from your country.

1a) The dominant air masses in Algeria impact dramatically in the southern Hemisphere.This is because of the overwhelming preponderance of ocean areas.It transfer air masses as they are known in the northern hemisphere are absent because the westerlies are much more developed in the south Hemisphere.In the summer the air is dry and warm as well as unstable and the summer showers and thunderstorms observed over Algeria.

2A) The  trade winds impact Algeria. Since Algeria is basically on the northern hemisphere the trade winds come in to play. It is a wind blowing steadily toward the northeast in the northern hemisphere or the southeast in the southern hemisphere, especially at sea

3a) The type of rain most commonly found in Algeria is torrential rain and winter storms can bring heavy damage and also cause flash floods.The conditions across the northern regions are generally very variable with both cod and hot spells,droughts and floods.The temperature in Algeria can make the summer heat uncomfortable.In winter, average temperatures are drop downs with snow common in certain highland regions. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Climates and Climate controls Algeria Cmot

1) Explain how the different climate controls impact your country
2) Describe the dominant climate of your country/region. You should include temperature and precipitation characteristics.
3) Include a climograph for a major city in your country/region.

1a) The diffrent climate control in Algeria impact is that it is located in north africa bordering the mediterrain located on a high plateau area. As a result the climate is semi-arid with periods of wet weather.

2) It is wet winters with hot dry summer along coast drier with cold winters and hot summer on high plateau and sirocco is a hot dust/sand laden wind especially common in summer.


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

5 Theme Geo

1. Place- describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. Physical characteristics include a description such things as the mountains, rivers, beaches, topography, and animal and plant life of a place. Human characteristics include the human-designed cultural features of a place, from land use and architecture to forms of livelihood and religion to food and folk ways to transportation and communication networks. In this picture it shows the cultural features of this country and how human live their life in their own culture. It also shows the personality and distinguishes from this picture.

2. Movement- Humans move, a lot! In addition, ideas, fads, goods, resources, and communication all travel distances. This theme studies movement and migration across the planet. This picture shows the movement of human life and shows the ideas move from one place to another. It also shows the global life of human life. This picture also shows that everyday people are always on the move from one place to another in cars, boats, or airplanes.

3 Human-Environment Interaction - This theme considers how humans adapt to and modify the environment. Humans shape the landscape through their interaction with the land; this has both positive and negative effects on the environment. This picture shows the humans interaction and the positively and negatively with their environments. Also shows the human behavior and also shows the human changes to suit their environment.

Part B
Algeria 5 theme geo

1. Location – Absolute 36º 77' n, 3º 04' e
Algeria is a large country in northern Africa that is noteworthy for its rich culture.
2. Places
This picture shows the placement of Algeria and how there's are features that give them personality and distinguish them from other places
This picture is a picture of Algeria includes beach, building, tress, sky, and houses.
3. Region
This picture shows the human life and indicates the cultural and physical natural.
And in this picture it shows the life of people and the interaction.
4. Movement –This picture shows the people movement from one place to another and the interation on the beach.