Algeria February 1716 earthquake was the worst beyond the other happen in the middle of the morning and it destroyed the city of Algeria. The earthquake destroys about 200 houses, 21 large mosques, and many country houses. The ground was cracked and many were destroyed. Blida was seriously damaged by the earthquake which caused serious disastrous consequences where soil deformation and liquefaction were observed. Also there were many fire blasts and the damage increased. Many more than 20,000 were injured and many died and were buried under the debris.
4 Spheres
Biosphere –all of Algeria living organisms on the planet this includes all of the plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and single-celled organisms found on Earth. Most of this life exists no deeper than about 10 feet into the ground or about 600 feet above it Because each individual is so small in relation to the overall planet, organisms are often grouped into biomes, which are regional communities characterized by vegetation and climate. The earthquake causes soil deformation and serious damage.
Atmosphere- This sphere evolve the air the atmosphere contains all the air in Earth system absorbs and emits heat. As air in the lower atmosphere is heated or cooled, it moves around the planet. And so the atmosphere evolved the air and the heat temperate after the earthquake and the earthquake also contaminate the air of Algeria after the debris.
Hydrosphere- The hydrosphere contains all the solid, liquid, and gaseous water of the planet. The earthquake in Algeria causes the water to be liquefaction and contaminate the water. It also destroys ground water and cracked the ground.
Lithosphere- The land of Algeria was damaged and many houses were destroyed and the grounds were cracked and cause serious problem.And also cause soil deformation
Each sphere is interacting by causing damage and left serious damage left Algeria in ruin. For example the lithosphere cause the ground to cracked and cause the soil to deformation which cause Biosphere and liquefaction for Hydrosphere. The 1716 was one of the worst earthquakes because it causing the most damage of the 4 sphere.